In this guide, we’ll teach you what “Common Tasks” are in Among Us and how you can use them to win more games as a Crewmate or as an Impostor.
In the popular multiplayer game Among Us, Crewmates race against Impostors in a mission to fix the ship by completing certain tasks.
These tasks are activities that Crewmates must accomplish in order to win the game, but you can also use them to determine who the real Crewmates and who the Impostors are.
If you want to improve your detective skills as a Crewmate in Among Us, you must learn the different types of tasks: Common, Short and Long Tasks.
You can use Common Tasks to prove your innocence as a Crewmate, or to prevent getting caught as an Impostor. Here’s how.
What are Common Tasks in Among Us?
Common Tasks are tasks that either everyone has, or no one does.
So, if you have a certain common task such as Fix Wiring, then all Crewmates will also have Fix Wiring in their task list. If you don’t, then nobody else in the group does.
There are only a few specific tasks that are considered as Common Tasks and they differ for each map.
The number of Common Tasks can also be set through the game’s settings. (Related: How to Change Game Settings in Among Us / Best Settings for Among Us)
A game can only have a maximum of two common tasks. In the next sections, we’ll list down all the common tasks for each map in Among Us.
List of Common Tasks in The Skeld
There are two Common Tasks in The Skeld map.
1. Fix Wiring
Fix Wiring is a 3-step common task in The Skeld where you need to connect four wires of the same color.
This task can be assigned randomly in three (3) different rooms: Admin, Cafeteria, Electrical, Navigation, Security or Storage
2. Swipe Card
Swipe Card is a common task in The Skeld that takes place in the Admin room.
You’ll need to swipe the card in the scanner from left-to-right in just the right amount of speed for it to succeed.
List of Common Tasks in Mira HQ
There are two (2) Common Tasks in Mira HQ map.
1. Fix Wiring
Fix Wiring is a 3-step common task in Mira HQ where you need to connect four wires of the same color.
This task can be assigned randomly in three (3) different rooms: Greenhouse, Hallway, Laboratory, Locker Room, or Storage
2. Enter ID Code
Enter ID Code is a quick common task in the Admin room where you need to type a number in the panel.
List of Common Tasks in Polus
There are three (3) Common Tasks in Polus map.
1. Fix Wiring
Fix Wiring is a 3-step common task in Polus where you need to connect four wires o f the same color.
This task can be assigned randomly in three (3) different rooms: Decontamination, Electrical, Laboratory, O2, or Office
2. Insert Keys
Insert Keys is a common task in Polus where you need to rotate a key 90 degrees.
This task takes place in the Dropship room of Polus.
3. Scan Boarding Pass
Scan Boarding Pass is a common task in Polus where you need to flip your boarding pass over and drag it to the large red scanner until it turns green.
This task takes place in the Office room.
How to Use Common Tasks to Determine the Impostor in Among Us
Now that you understand how Common Tasks work and which tasks are common ones per map, you can use this knowledge to your advantage regardless if you’re a Crewmate or an Impostor.
The first thing you need to check before the game starts is the # of Common Tasks set by the room host.
Then once the game starts, Crewmates should note their assigned common tasks and see to it that other Crewmates are doing it as well.
Here’s an example of a strategy that lets you catch Impostors easily.
If you’re playing at The Skeld with 1 common task, and that common task happens to be Fix Wiring, this means that no one must be assigned the other common task in Skeld which is Swipe Card in Admin.
So if someone tries to fake the Swipe Card task in Admin (or someone says they’re doing it), then he is most likely the Impostor, who clearly doesn’t have knowledge about Common Tasks yet!/
Similarly, as an Impostor, you now know that you should avoid faking tasks that are not assigned to other Crewmates. Otherwise, you’ll easily be voted out if you’re caught faking a common task that’s supposedly not assigned to the rest of the team.
Can Crewmates have the same tasks in Among Us?
As you’ve learned, there are different types of tasks in Among Us: Common, Short, and Long.
Common Tasks are always shared among all the Crewmates in the match. Either all Crewmates have the same task, or no one does.
The other task types—Short and Long Tasks—are not guaranteed to be shared between the crew members, although it is still possible.
Learning what Common Tasks are and how to use them to your advantage will definitely help you win more games in Among Us.
Make sure to share this guide with your friends—the more players know about this strategy, the easier it will be for Crewmates to catch Impostors.
On the other hand, Impostors can also use this strategy to make the game more challenging and fun!