Complete List of Buffs & Debuffs (w/ Icons) in Axie Infinity


What do these icons above an Axie’s head mean? This is one of the most common questions asked by new Axie Infinity players.

During an Axie Infinity battle, status effects can be applied to Axies.

There are over a dozen buffs and debuffs available in the game. When used properly, it can spell out who gets victorious in a PVP fight.

If you want to win more Arena matches in Axie Infinity, read this guide to learn more about these status modifiers are and their effects.

What are status modifiers (buffs/debuffs) in Axie Infinity?

Status modifiers are indicated by an icon or symbol above an Axie’s head.

Buffs give a positive and favorable effect to an Axie, while debuffs give a negative effect that puts the Axie at a disadvantage.

Buffs or Debuffs can be applied on a target after a card ability or combo is performed.

Some status modifiers are stackable. The number of stacks is indicated by the number next to the effect icon.

(Related: Axie Infinity PVP Guide: How to Win More Arena Matches)

Knowing what all these effects mean can help you in making decisions during combat, or when creating a competitive Axie team lineup.

List of Buff Effects in Axie Infinity

Buffs are status modifiers that give a “positive” effect to an Axie. These are usually applied to your own team’s Axies.

Here is the complete list of all buffs and their status effects in Axie Infinity.

Icon Buff Name Effect
Attack Up Increases the Axie’s next Attack by 20% (Stackable)
Morale Up Increases the Axie’s Morale by 20% for the next round (Stackable)
Speed Up Increases the Axie’s Speed by 20% for the next round (Stackable)

List of Debuff Effects in Axie Infinity

Debuffs are status modifiers that give a “negative” effect to an Axie. These are usually applied to your enemy’s Axies.

Here is the complete list of all debuffs and their status effects in Axie Infinity.

Icon Debuff Name Effect
Aroma Affected Axie will draw all incoming attacks for the next round
Attack Down Decreases the next attack by 20% (Stackable)
Chill Affected Axie cannot enter Last Stand
Fear Affected Axie cannot attack
Fragile Shield takes double the damage for the next attack
Jinx Affected Axie cannot land critical attacks for the next round
Lethal Next hit against the affected Axie will always be a critical strike
Morale Down Decreases affected Axie’s Morale by 20% for the next round (Stackable)
Poison Until effect is removed, affected Axie loses 2 HP for every action on either team (Stackable)
Sleep Next incoming attack ignores shield. Effect is removed when Axie attacks
Speed Down Decreases affected Axie’s speed by 20% for the next round (Stackable)
Stench Affected Axie loses target priority for the next round
Stun Next attack misses, and next incoming attack ignores shields. Effect is removed when Axie attacks

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